Checking Account Features:
- Digital Banking.
- Bill Pay.
- Mobile Deposit.
- Online Statements with Images.
- QuickBooks® and Intuit® integration.
- Overdraft Protection Plans.
- Debit Cards can be used surcharge-free at any of our branches and 1,000+ Publix Presto! or Allpoint ATMs.
Other Available Services
- Safe Deposit Boxes.
- Notary Services.
- Domestic Wires.
- International Wires.
- Personal Credit Cards.
- Money Orders.
- Cashier's Checks.
- Cash Advance.
Personal Checking Accounts
Account Features |
First Choice Personal Checking |
Prime Checking (At least one owner must be age 50 or older to qualify) |
Interest Checking |
Advantage Gold Checking |
First Hero Checking (One owner must be a current or former U.S. government employee or member of the U.S. Armed Forces) |
Unlimited Check Writing | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Minimum Opening Balance | $50.00 | $50.00 | $1,000.00 | $50.00 | $50.00 |
Monthly Maintenance Fee | Online Statement $0.00 Paper Statement $2.93 |
$0.00 | $12.00 | $14.00 ($7.00 for customers age 50 or older) |
$0.00 |
Minimum Balance Required to Avoid Monthly Maintenance Fee | $0.00 | $0.00 | $1,000.00+ at all times during a statement cycle or an average daily balance of $2,000.00+. | Total Deposits in any combination of accounts are $15,000.00+ at all times during a statement cycle. | $0.00 |
Interest Paid | No | No | Yes | Yes | No |
Complimentary Checks | No | No | No | Yes, maximum of 2 orders per year. | Yes, 1 order per year. |
Additional Benefits | No | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Personal Savings Accounts
Account Features |
Preferred Savings |
Money Market |
Certificate of Deposit (CD) |
IRA CD | IRA Flex |
Minimum Opening Balance | $50.00 (May be waived for customers under age 18) | $1,000.00 | $2,500.00 | $2,500.00 | $100.00 |
Maintenance Fee | $16.00 Quarterly You may make six (6) covered transfers or withdrawals per calendar month. Additional covered transfers or withdrawals are $2.00 each. ** |
$11.00 Monthly You may make six (6) covered transfers or withdrawals per calendar month or statement cycle. Additional covered transfers or withdrawals are $5.00 each. ** |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
Minimum Balance Required to Avoid Maintenance Fee | $300.00+ or above at all times during a statement cycle or the average daily balance is $2,000.00+. | $1,000.00+ at all times during a statement cycle or the average daily balance is $2,000.00+. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Other Information | Service charge fees waived for customers under age 18. Interest will be credited on tiered balances. Interest accrues daily and is credited quarterly. | Interest will be credited on tiered balances. Interest accrues daily and is credited monthly. | Interest accrues daily and is credited quarterly. Automatic renewals of CDs are subject to current rate in effect. Penalties are applicable for early withdrawals or closures. | Interest accrues daily and is credited quarterly. Automatic renewals of IRA CDs are subject to current rate in effect. Penalties are applicable for early withdrawals or closures. IRAs are subject to IRS penalties for early withdrawals. | Interest will be credited on tiered balances. Interest accrues daily and is credited monthly. Penalties are applicable for early withdrawals or closures. IRAs are subject to IRS penalties for early withdrawals. |
**Covered transactions include preauthorize or automatic transfers by telephone, mobile app and/or Internet banking, or checks. They are limited to six (6) transactions per calendar month or statement cycle.
Transfers or withdrawals made in person, by messenger, by mail, or at an ATM are unlimited and are considered “non-covered” transactions.
To open an account, please stop by one of our convenient locations.
Follow the links below for more information on our services.
Access the FDIC’s Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator (EDIE) and use the interactive application that will help you learn about deposit insurance and calculate the insurance coverage of your accounts.
If you need to reorder checks use our secure Check Reorder Form.